November 19-21, 2024


Enrich your career with shared learning, inspiration, and exploration of new innovations and best practices in wellness.


7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m.

Wellness dollars and sense: Budgeting for and funding holistic initiativesVeronica Vasquez

Master the complexities of budgeting for and funding holistic wellness programs in this essential talk for Lifestyle, Life Enrichment, and Wellness Directors. We’ll navigate through financial priorities and discover creative funding sources to ensure your initiatives are both impactful and financially viable. Engage in interactive discussions, group brainstorming, and leave with a program template to apply these insights directly to your community. Transform financial acumen into meaningful wellness achievements with strategies for balancing budgets and enhancing well-being.

You’ll be able to:

  • Prioritize financial resources for effective allocation to holistic wellness programs.
  • Identify innovative funding sources for sustainable support of wellness initiatives.
  • Apply a ready-to-use program template for immediate integration of budgeting strategies.

Faculty: Veronica Vasquez, BA, ACE, AFAA, Executive Director, JMM Dance Co.

Precision wellness through technology Mark Kovacs

What is the role of technology in precision wellness? Explore the intriguing landscape of personalized health management and its intersection with technology. Discover how various technologies, such as wearables, health apps and other biometric measurement devices, can be utilized to monitor and enhance health and wellness in older adults.

You’ll be able to:

  • Identify key technologies for personalized health management: Learn to identify and evaluate the most effective technological tools and innovations that support personalized health management, including tracking vital signs, activity levels, and other health metrics.
  • Implement technology-driven wellness programs: Explore which technologies may be most appropriate to help with wellness programs to increase healthspan.
  • Outline the future of technologies in the aging population: With new technologies to be introduced in the next decade, discover what will come to market that can improve wellness and function.

Faculty: Mark Kovacs, PhD, FACSM, CSCS, Vice President, Health & Performance, Canyon Ranch.

Stop, look and listen: The Validation Method in practiceNancy Brown

Discover the Validation Method, a nonpharmacological approach to connect and communicate with older adults experiencing cognitive decline, pioneered by Naomi Feil in the 1960s. Integrating principles from Erikson’s Development Stage Model, Rogers’ counseling psychology, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Validation combines a positive care philosophy, a cognitive impairment behavioral model, and stage-specific communication strategies for meaningful engagement. This workshop offers hands-on experience with Validation techniques through role-playing and exercises, ready for immediate application in professional settings. Learn to foster a dementia care culture that embraces all cultural backgrounds and settings.

You’ll be able to:

  • Define the Validation Method, its background, and the Phases of Resolution identified by Naomi Feil.
  • Apply the Pathway to Empathy using techniques like Centering, Observation and Calibration.
  • Identify at least two reasons behind the behavior of challenging expressions focusing on basic human needs.

Faculty: Nancy Brown, PhD candidate, Deputy Director for Communications, Validation Training Institute.

Serving solo agers: Will you become the missing “adult child”?Sara Zeff Geber

Attracting solo agers to your community requires preparation to meet their unique needs. Without family support, solo agers lack advocates during emergencies or medical crises. Preparing these residents for success and training staff to meet their needs is crucial. Explore additional staff qualifications, such as coaches, contractors, care managers, or paralegals, to support solo agers effectively. Learn how to prepare your community for the influx of solo agers and be ready to meet their needs.

You’ll be able to:

  • Describe the unique needs of solo agers (residents without family support) in a life plan community.
  • Evaluate your staff qualifications against what is required for solo ager residents.
  • Prepare a plan to make necessary changes or enhancements to integrate new solo aging residents.

Faculty: Sara Zeff Geber, PhD, Founder and President, LifeEncore.

“Until”...the wait is over for guaranteed resultsRichard DeLong

The word until often signals a barrier to success. “We can’t get there until...” and “This will never happen until...” represent common refrains that stall progress. In this session, tackle the concept of “Until,” and learn how to surmount obstacles to personal and professional growth. Participants will use a tailored handout and “Results Plan” to identify and overcome their own “Until” moments. This session challenges the notion that action alone ensures success, arguing instead that overcoming “Until” is the true key to achieving results.

You’ll be able to:

  • Analyze and list personal “Until” barriers hindering success.
  • Construct a “Results Plan” detailing steps towards achieving specific goals.
  • Identify an “Accountability Partner” for added discipline, inspiration and motivation.

Faculty: Richard DeLong, MEd, Chief Purpose Officer, Elevate The Experience, LLC.

Mobility, stability and balance for active aging: A functional approachRoberto Melani

Discover effective strategies to enhance clients’ physical capabilities and maintain an active lifestyle while aging gracefully. Explore exercises and techniques that improve mobility, stability and balance to prevent falls, increase confidence and promote well-being. Learn to blend physical therapy principles while minimizing injury risk. Discover exercises and modifications tailored to active aging clients’ unique needs, focusing on joint stability, functional movement patterns, balance and mobility.

You’ll be able to:

  • Address specific aging challenges by developing targeted exercise routines that improve mobility, stability and balance.
  • Contribute to fall prevention efforts by crafting workouts centered on mobility, stability and balance.
  • Create personalized and engaging mobility-focused, stability-enhancing and balance-improving workouts that cater to individual needs, ensuring client satisfaction and long-term adherence.

Faculty: Roberto Melani, MBA, FAI, Regional Group Fitness Manager, InShape Family Fitness.

Pickleball not cripple ballLeslee Bender

Pickleball’s popularity among active agers comes with increased injuries due to improper training. Functional training techniques can minimize ankle, knee, hip and back issues. Learn to recognize faulty movement patterns and individualize pre- and post-game programming for both professional and recreational players. Gain tools to improve stability, mobility, and balance coordination, enhancing performance and reducing injuries.

You’ll be able to:

  • Recall the biomechanics of specific movements performed in pickleball.
  • Develop strategies to work with athletes and coaches to dramatically improve game performance.
  • Experience and recognize how poor mechanics and posture lead to injuries and learn how to resolve and individualize solutions.

Faculty: Leslee Bender, BA, ACE, Owner, Ageless Training Academy.

Accessible all-inclusive movements for yoga and pilatesCindy Senk & Linda Magee

With fitness programs for older adults ranking third in ACSM’s Fitness Trends 2024, it’s crucial for instructors to adapt to diverse skill sets and abilities. This workshop empowers participants to creatively adapt yoga and pilates exercises to ensure accessibility. Learn to expand eight core exercises into two dozen, complemented by accessible language to guide movement modifications.

You’ll be able to:

  • Identify why diversity and inclusion is important when offering programming for older adults.
  • Give examples of accessible language options while teaching.
  • Produce three accessible modifications for each, at least one yoga and one pilates movement, extending beyond the workshop’s scope.

Faculty: Cindy Senk, MEd, ACSM, Owner, Movement for All; and Linda Magee, MA, ACSM, Associate Professor/Program Coordinator of Exercise Science, CT State Manchester.

8:15 a.m.–9:15 a.m.

Top down or bottoms up? Well, both actuallyStacey Judge & Anthony Argondizza

Learn from a CEO and a Fitness and Wellness Director’s partnership in creating an award-winning wellness program. From initial planning to community pilots and leveraging wellness across multiple communities, gain insights on creating a wellness culture for residents, employees and community members. Engage in team-building exercises and take home tools for immediate use. Discover how to partner with your C-Suite, speak the language of decision-makers, and write a compelling “ask” for resources.

You’ll be able to:

  • Develop a plan that goes beyond community programming and partners with your C-Suite for better traction.
  • Learn the language of your CFO and Board decision-makers, focusing on what’s most important to them and finding common ground.
  • Learn how to write a compelling “ask” that will give you the resources to go all-in on your wellness offerings.

Faculty: Stacey Judge, BS, NASM-CPT, CES, AFAA, Community Wellness Program Director, Stonebridge at Montgomery/Springpoint Senior Living; and Anthony Argondizza, MBA, President and CEO, Springpoint.

Geriatric sleep: Impact on residents, care providers, and the bottom lineBJ Miller

Poor sleep hygiene is linked to compromised immune systems and cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases; it’s also a symptom and risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Circadian science applications in human wellness have intensified. Staff benefit from good sleep hygiene practices as behavioral and resident health issues diminish. Enhancing sleep hygiene awareness improves resident quality of life, leading to longer stays, fewer hospital transfers, reduced staff stress, and better ROI for the community.

You’ll be able to:

  • Recall the clinical implications of environmental factors like light and temperature on sleep and related pathologies, including immune dysfunction and cognitive decline.
  • Review the current reality of older-adult living environments to assess how the clinical act and processes of sleep affects wellness, energy and cognitive sharpness across aging populations.
  • List specific light, acoustic and temperature protocols, as well as shift change huddles, day napping, individualized room checks, and other interventions to assist clinical teams and/or wellness stakeholders with measurable outcomes.

Faculty: BJ Miller, MS, President and Managing Partner, The Vision Group Studios/Paradigm Atlantic Management Group.

Rethinking dining: Optimizing outcomes for people with dementiaJen Bruning & Jennifer Stelter

Dietary patterns can slow cognitive decline in those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early-stage dementia. This session focuses on foods, nutrients and food components that improve cognitive health, boost mood and support physical health. Additionally, newly developed programming addressing the multisensory nature of eating and the dining environment may enhance mealtimes for those with dementia.

You’ll be able to:

  • Describe the importance of a nutritious diet for those with dementia, focusing on preventative and health-supporting dietary patterns for MCI or early-stage dementia.
  • List three foods/food components/nutrients shown to support cognitive health, boost mood and support physical health in older adults with dementia.
  • Understand the evidenced-based, sensory techniques in offering an effective wellness dining program based on the Dementia Connection Model.

Faculty: Jen Bruning, MS, RDN, Director of Nutrition and Brand Innovation, Incite Strategic Partners; and Jennifer Stelter, PsyD, CDP, CADDCT, DCS, DCSCT, CEO and Owner, NeuroEssence, LLC at the Dementia Connection Institute.

Dive into wellness: Transformative pool activities for senior livingAvery Villines

Discover a groundbreaking approach to older-adult wellness that transcends physical, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Transform underutilized pools into vibrant centers for holistic well-being. Explore innovative activities like synchronized swimming, water volleyball, floating meditation, pool yoga, homemade raft races, pool dancing, and scuba/snorkel classes. Leave with practical ideas to implement a multidimensional wellness program that defies traditional norms and enhances lives.

You’ll be able to:

  • Develop a repertoire of creative pool activities for older adults, fostering a holistic approach to wellness.
  • Implement event planning strategies for unique pool-based experiences that cater to diverse cognitive functions.
  • Formulate a promotional plan to launch and sustain engaging pool initiatives within senior living communities, including employee events.

Faculty: Avery Villines, BFA, Certified Pool Operator, National Water Fitness Instructor (Master Level), Senior Director of Community Life Services, Brandon Wilde LCS, LLC.

Data-driven training techniques for older adultsJoseph Signorile

Developing prescriptive power-training programs with functional performance outcomes can be a challenge. Unlock the potential of data-driven exercise as Dr. Signorile guides you through simple field tests, as well as advanced training techniques, to identify performance deficits in older clients. You will learn to design meaningful exercise programs and create personalized, periodized models, revolutionizing your approach to training for optimal client outcomes.

You’ll be able to:

  • Use field test and machine-based data to assess performance deficits in older clients.
  • Develop exercise programs that target clients’ assessed needs based on those data.
  • Develop a periodized model to proportionally address each client’s goals.

Faculty: Joseph Signorile, PhD, Professor, University of Miami Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences.

Eat, move and groove to optimize active adult livingCarol Kennedy-Armbruster & Susan Kundrat

Learn simple, positive, engaging ways to maximize nutrition, fitness and wellness with active adults. Find out the presenters’ “Science to Simple” approach to eating, moving and grooving for life. Their approach is easy to implement into community programming, based on solid research, and fun and engaging. You will learn how to make nutrition, fitness and holistic well-being recommendations come alive. Participants will receive resources to share with their teams.

You’ll be able to:

  • Construct personal nutrition, movement and well-being daily priorities based on the 11 “Science to Simple” keys to nutrition, fitness and wellness for active adults.
  • Demonstrate how to implement simple programs for eating, moving and supporting personal well-being for active adults.
  • Develop simple, sustainable, value-added eat, move and groove opportunities for active adults in your communities to maximize healthspan and boost longevity.

Faculty: Carol Kennedy-Armbruster, PhD, ACSM, Teaching Professor Emeritus, Indiana Univeristy Bloomington; and Susan (Susie) Kundrat, MS, RDN, LDN, Clinical Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Joseph J. Zilber College of Public Health.

Get out of the gaitAnn Gilbert

Train gait efficiency and recovery in an innovative seated movement program for active older adults. Discover how chair-based training can improve core strength, balance and mobility for advanced activities of daily living. The presenter shares research-based ideas from her Florida-based club to incorporate with your students or residents.

You’ll be able to:

  • Grasp the importance of ankle mobility training for improving gait efficiency, recovery and fall prevention.
  • Effectively demonstrate options, progressions and regressions, and how to guide residents through a fun-filled seated movement program.
  • Employ empathetic communication and cueing techniques using names, counts and beats.

Faculty: Ann Gilbert, BS, ACE, Owner, Fit-Her Health & Fitness for Women.

Dual-task brain training in a group settingCammy Dennis

Discover how to implement cognitive-boosting exercises in a group fitness format. This brain health class merges motor and cognitive demands into dual-task training, incorporating seated and standing movements with simultaneous thinking tasks. Leave with new programming ideas for dual-tasking and the ability to develop your own.

You’ll be able to:

  • Recall why moving and thinking supports brain health and cognitive function.
  • Learn how to construct dual-task exercises.
  • Recognize the difference between motor-motor and cognitive-motor exercises.

Faculty: Cammy Dennis, BS, ACE, AFAA, AEA, Fitness Director, On Top of the World Communities.

9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

From isolation to connection: Measuring resident well-being and combating lonelinessMelissa Rose

Tackle social isolation and loneliness head-on in senior living communities by employing data-driven strategies for assessing resident well-being and combating the negative effects of loneliness. Learn to leverage technology and innovative approaches for a comprehensive evaluation and enhancement of resident well-being. This session addresses the challenges of loneliness, including resource and staffing limitations, and proposes practical solutions. Through successful case studies, discover how integrating technology, social activities and personalized care not only combats isolation but also cultivates meaningful connections, ultimately improving the quality of life for residents.

You’ll be able to:

  • Discuss the significance of social isolation and loneliness among residents in senior living communities.
  • Explore the role of technology and innovative approaches in measuring and enhancing resident well-being.
  • Identify challenges and potential solutions in combating social isolation and fostering meaningful connections in senior living communities.

Faculty: Melissa Rose, RN, CCM, Director of Wellness Services, ClearWellness.

Ensuring programming is inclusive for our LGBT+ older adultsHaley Kinne-Norris

Many LGBT+ older adults face discrimination and exclusion in senior living communities, often unintentionally. This session explores these concerns and provides strategies to combat them. Attendees will gain insights from research articles and the presenter’s study, enabling them to implement inclusive programming that ensures all residents feel welcomed.

You’ll be able to:

  • Define exclusion and inclusion in senior living communities and programming.
  • Recall standards of ensuring programming opportunities are inclusive.
  • Identify additional needs that may be present for LGBT+ residents.

Faculty: Haley Kinne-Norris, MS, NCCAP, Regional Wellness and Enrichment Coordinator, Liberty Senior Living.

Recovery strategies for improved performance & function Mark Kovacs

Find out about the latest research on strategies that can be applied to help improve recovery after exercise as well as how to help improve function. With nearly two decades’ experience in the field of optimizing human performance across diverse populations, the presenter will discuss various therapies and share recovery techniques and protocols.

You’ll be able to:

  • Discuss the benefits of thermal therapies: Learn the benefits of various heat and cold therapies, supported by recent research, and how these modalities can enhance recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and improve performance in older adults.
  • Identify effective active recovery techniques: Learn to identify and apply various active recovery strategies.
  • Implement comprehensive recovery protocols: Learn some of the latest recovery protocols used with the best athletes and how these can be applied to older adults.

Faculty: Mark Kovacs, PhD, FACSM, CSCS, Vice President, Health & Performance, Canyon Ranch.

Using KPIs to create high performance geri-athletes regardless of ageCrystal Johnson & Nate Futrell

Discover how high-performance principles can create an ecosystem supporting individual growth in senior living communities. Learn from a case study involving Beacon Award-winning Galloway Ridge. Explore evidence-based training and data-driven results to improve residents’ healthspan and functionality. Understand how gamification, education, and training for power and speed enhance user experience, support staff and increase outcomes. Learn to monitor and refer based on key performance indicators (KPIs).

You’ll be able to:

  • List five trainable qualities and how to measure and use them to maximize development and function with residents and members.
  • Collect and analyze KPIs to highlight potential wellness center risks.
  • Collect and analyze data to improve and target personal and collective results and gamify the user experience in your wellness center.

Faculty: Crystal Johnson, BS, MEd, Kinesiologist, Business Development Representative, Keiser; and Nate Futrell, BS, NASM-SFS, Director of Health and Wellness, Trinity Landing.

Unlock creativity: Emphasizing the journey and fostering self-expressionCailey Massey

Discover the transformative impact of inclusive, journey-focused art programming. The presenters shares practical insights on overcoming participation barriers and fostering creative confidence. An interactive component dispels the “I’m not creative” myth. Learn key benefits of creative experiences for older adults, including improved social connectivity and self-expression. A Q&A addresses community-specific inquiries. Leave with strategies to elevate creative programs and increase resident engagement.

You’ll be able to:

  • Modify art programming to meet participants’ unique needs and abilities for a person-centered creative experience.
  • List six examples of the benefits of creative experiences for older adults.
  • Demonstrate three ways to instill creative confidence in others.

Faculty: Cailey Massey, BFA, Founder and Owner, Artfull Enrichment.

Movement patterns to improve daily well-beingChristine Conti

People living with chronic pain tend to suffer from a decreased quality of life when it comes to daily well-being. Explore how to “beat the blues” through simple movement patterns that activate various regions of the brain responsible for emotions, memory, cognition and more. Experience a series of movements and gamifying tasks to learn firsthand some of the challenges faced by your clients. Leave with effective turnkey communication skills to improve client-professional relationships, build trust, and increase client willingness to attempt new tasks.

You’ll be able to:

  • Identify the relationship between chronic physical pain and mental health.
  • Examine the physiological effects of exercise on mental well-being.
  • Analyze the most effective types of movement and exercise to improve daily well-being and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Faculty: Christine Conti, MEd, AFAA, CEO, Conti Fitness and Wellness, LLC.

Bridging abilities in group exercise: Strategies for inclusivity and engagementAleen Dailey

Learn to teach effective, accessible group exercise classes for attendees of varying abilities. Discover approaches to simultaneously train residents using assistive devices, skilled athletes and everyone in between. Unpack methods to increase adherence and motivation by enhancing knowledge, self-efficacy and enjoyment. Apply concepts to group classes, one-on-one training and the collective wellness program. It’s all about meeting residents where they are and guiding them towards their goals.

You’ll be able to:

  • Discover methods and techniques to provide an adequate physical stimulus to all participants while enhancing their self-efficacy in all exercise settings.
  • List a spectrum of modifications for common class formats, movement types, medical conditions, and orthopedic limitations.
  • Demonstrate how to apply exercise science principles within group classes, individual resident programs, and the entire wellness offering line-up within a community.

Faculty: Aleen Dailey, MS, ACSM, Wellness Coordinator, Carolina Village.

Seven dimensions of balanceTamera Reynolds

Fall prevention is a vital yet challenging topic to address with our residents. This in-house balance program offers a comprehensive approach to fall prevention, emphasizing brain health, mental agility, physical strength, mobility, posture, stability, as well as emotional and social wellness. It encompasses self-advocacy, community engagement, creating a safe living environment, requesting accommodations, utilizing assistive devices and fostering community connections.

You’ll be able to:

  • Create and administer a balance and fall prevention program that offers more than just exercises.
  • Develop a robust and comprehensive program to bring to your community to help reduce the incidence of falls.
  • Help residents understand the many ways in which they can protect themselves from a life-changing fall.

Faculty: Tamera Reynolds, BA, ACE Group Ex/PT, Director of Wellness & Life Enrichment, Terwilliger Plaza.

10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

CREATIVE EXCHANGELawrence Biscontini & team of experts

Connect with industry colleagues and experts to gain insights into the latest practices in active aging. Explore ideas, gather inspiration and discover practical strategies to continue innovating and pushing boundaries. Share your top two ideas and learn from others in an atmosphere fostering collaborative, innovative exchanges.

11:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m.


Savor a delicious lunch, network with other professionals and gain insights from our esteemed partners during this informative session.

12:45 p.m.–4:45 p.m.

ICAA EXPORaleigh Convention Center

Discover fresh and groundbreaking solutions at the wellness-centered ICAA Expo. Uncover a variety of products, services, technologies and equipment designed to enhance multidimensional wellness, all from providers dedicated to fulfilling the industry’s needs.

3:45 p.m.–4:45 p.m.

Empowering self-care as well-careLana Saal

Creating a culture that empowers caregiving employees to prioritize self-care is essential for recruiting and retaining a healthy, happy workforce while avoiding exhaustion, burnout and turnover. Well-empowered caregivers who prioritize their own well-being are best equipped to provide excellent person-centered care for residents. This energizing session provides a framework to incorporate meaningful strategies that nurture self-compassionate self-care for optimal well-being.

You’ll be able to:

  • Describe the importance and impact of self-care (and the lack thereof) for caregivers on an individual’s overall health and well-being.
  • Address the multiple dimensions of well-being, their interconnectedness, and their contagious effect on coworkers and residents.
  • Design a step-by-step framework for creating an environment and culture in the workplace that fosters prioritizing self-care.

Faculty: Lana Saal, EdD, MCHES, CWP, CHWC, CEO and Wellbeing Strategist, The VitHealthity Group.

Enriching lives with therapeutic horticulture: Top 10 activity ideasAlexis Ashworth

Discover the benefits of therapeutic horticulture, a process that enhances well-being through active or passive involvement in plant-related activities. Evidence-based research validates the benefits of people-plant engagement, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved cardiovascular and mental health, and increased social connections. Learn to design sessions based on client goals, gardening interests, and abilities. We’ll share the practice, benefits, and top 10 indoor (soil-free) and outdoor activity ideas with step-by-step instructions.

You’ll be able to:

  • Define therapeutic horticulture and three locations where it takes place.
  • Identify five domains of wellness that are affected by Horticultural Therapy.
  • Provide five examples of therapeutic horticulture activities.

Faculty: Alexis Ashworth, MBA IDM, Founder and CEO, Root in Nature, Inc.

Boosting brain power; building cognitive reserveTerry Eckmann

Discover simple, research-backed lifestyle choices that residents and staff can practice consistently to boost brain power and increase cognitive reserve, leading to longer independent living. Learn how to implement these choices into daily life, one habit at a time. This session covers the what, why and how of building a better brain.

You’ll be able to:

  • Recall why and how to cross-train the brain with a variety of physical activities.
  • Explore the specific lifestyle choices that researchers identify to increase cognitive reserve.
  • Learn what cognitive reserve is and why it matters. Connect research to practice!

Faculty: Terry Eckmann, PhD, ACE, ACSM, Professor, Teacher Education and Kinesiology, Minot State University.

Those places are for old people: Combating misperceptions and designing for active agingDeborah Wadsworth & Colin Milner

How can senior living communities address active aging, wellness needs, and affordability and combat misperceptions of retirement residences as nursing homes? The speakers will discuss the International Council on Active Aging’s “Unlocking the Future” study on aligning consumer expectations with community offerings. They will draw upon interviews, case studies and expertise in fitness, wellness, aging, design and operations to offer strategies for creating meaningful environments that address older adults’ capacities—financial, physical and emotional—and appeal to upcoming generations.

You’ll be able to:

  • Learn what research says about active-agers’ priorities and how communities can better tailor offerings and marketing.
  • Learn the importance of autonomy, active aging, and supporting it through programming, amenities and design.
  • Learn how to program and design for connections to beauty, nature and the importance of doing so.

Faculty: Deborah Wadsworth, OAA, LEED Green Associate, Senior Project Architect, Associate, Kasian Architecture, Interior Design and Planning; and Colin Milner, Founder and CEO, International Council on Active Aging.

Beyond the pizza party: Staff recognition to impact qualityKathleen Weissberg

Retention is critical in an industry with high turnover and costly hiring. This session examines recognition and appreciation through different lenses, exploring generational preferences and creating an atmosphere where individuals overcome challenges and enjoy their work. Participants will evaluate their mindset and take away cost-effective, real-time strategies proven in the field, such as career laddering, professional development, and cultivating respect for ideas.

You’ll be able to:

  • Describe age and generational preferences related to recognition in the workplace.
  • Identify the impact of professional development on employee retention.
  • List key strategies to change the mindset and approach to staff appreciation in an intentional manner.

Faculty: Kathleen Weissberg, National Director of Education, Select Rehabilitation.

Dual-tasking exercises for improving cognition in older adultsCody Sipe

Dual-tasking exercises integrating cognitive and physical tasks are effective for improving cognition in older adults concerned about cognitive decline. However, implementing dual-tasks can be challenging given the range of abilities. We’ll differentiate dual-tasking; identify, describe, demonstrate and practice “high-tech” and “low-tech” strategies; and discuss scaling for various physical and cognitive abilities.

You’ll be able to:

  • Define and describe essential dual-tasking strategies for successful implementation.
  • Perform a wide variety of “low-tech” dual-tasking exercises using accessible and affordable tools.
  • Scale dual-tasking strategies for individuals across the spectrum of physical and cognitive abilities.

Faculty: Cody Sipe, MS, PhD, DipACLM, ACSM, Founder, Functional Aging Institute.

From straighter to stronger: Revolutionizing aging with better postureLaura Warf

Explore the transformative world of posture correction for older adults. Maintaining aligned posture is crucial for well-being, functional independence, and recovery from joint surgery. Focus on the innovative “Straighten Then Strengthen” approach, which corrects posture before strength-building exercises. Learn to identify postural imbalances through static and functional movement testing, and implement effective, corrective exercises catering to older adults’ needs and limitations.

You’ll be able to:

  • Learn to assess and identify typical postural issues affecting older adults, such as forward head posture, rounded shoulders and pelvic tilts.
  • Explore the rationale and techniques involved in the “Straighten Then Strengthen” approach and understand why correcting posture is critical before strength training.
  • Engage in practical demonstrations and case studies for real-world application of posture alignment therapy in older adults.

Faculty: Laura Warf, BEd, FMS, Egoscue Posture Therapist, Owner, Mend Loft.

Dance for brain power & happinessManuel Velazquez

This session teaches participants choreography, progressing from half-time to full tempo as they master dance steps. With a low to medium “sweat” factor but high emphasis on learning, participants work towards a 32- or 64-count combination to perform together by the end. Dancing enhances cognitive abilities, memorization skills, brain activity, and cognitive health in older adults by integrating multiple brain functions simultaneously—kinesthetic, rational, musical and emotional—activating areas associated with executive function, long-term memory, and spatial recognition.

You’ll be able to:

  • Enhance memory through the memorization of choreography.
  • Increase kinesthetic awareness by integrating physical movements with music.
  • Enhance overall cognitive function and mood through the integration of various brain functions during dance.

Faculty: Manuel Velazquez, BA, ACE, Movement Specialist and Wellness Trainer, Rancho La Puerta Spa & Resort.

5:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

REGENERATE & RESTORELawrence Biscontini

After a day filled with enriching conference activities, take a moment to renew and reinspire yourself. Unwind, reflect on your experiences, and recharge your mind and body as you prepare for the next day. Led by experienced wellness professionals, this session will offer breathing exercises, guided meditation, gentle stretching, and other relaxation techniques to help you release tension and leave feeling refreshed. Embrace this opportunity to prioritize your well-being and enter the following day with a renewed sense of energy and focus.
